This all started with “Stacy Fischer Can Gance the Tango”. A friend of mine stayed at our place in Rehoboth Beach and while there, bought a book at Browseabout Books called The Beach House, the first book in the Rehoboth Beach Reads anthologies series. He left the book for me to read and at the end of the book, there was an ad requesting entries for the next year’s anthology. So I tried it.
“Stacy Fischer Can Dance the Tango” was the first short story I’d ever written and I was super lucky to be accepted and even luckier to win a Judges Merit award. I liked the process so much that I continued the story. The short story turned into chapter one of the full-length novel.
I’m proud of the work though being so new to writing I may not want to re-read it. Still, it was writing that full-length piece that turned a fun little exercise in writhing into a passion that has taken over all my free time. All I think about now is writing, plots, edits, and books. I blame Stacy Fischer for changing the course of my artistic passion.
Click here if you would like to read more about the book or read and excerpt.
If you would like to read the book, contact me below.