Lonn Braender

24. Cat Who Saved Rehoboth

What started as a short story entry for Beach Mysteries for the Cat & Mouse Press Anthology, is turning into a full-length book.
The story started as a cute tale about the mayor of Rehoboth who finds a kitten hiding in the bushes by city hall. He feels bad for the kitten and buys a can of food. In return, the kitten brings him things, like found trinkets, dropped matchbooks, and stolen mayoral ballots.
Try as I might, I could not get the story under the 3,500-word max but I think the story was a good one so I finished it, unconcerned about the word count. My sister-in-law read it, liked it, and suggest I write more episodes, so that’s what I’ve done. I have six episodes in the rough-draft stage and have plots for 2 more stories. I’m well over my self-imposed word goal of 80,000. That’s not a problem – I’m sure the count will come down in editing.
I’m hoping to get back to this one after dead-line-driven pieces in the works.

If you want to see the synopsis for the first chapter written (which will be the last chapter in the book), click here.

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